There are two main ways of producing industrial ceiling fans on the market: one is bending pure aluminum plates, and the other is extruding aluminum. This website will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of both ways.
For the aluminum plate bending method, manufacturers use high-grade aviation aluminum alloy motherboards (different manufacturers use different grades) and use folding machines to bend and weld the blades according to the shape and size of their own fan blades. The material used for this method is aluminum alloy motherboards, which have a uniform and pure internal structure, and basically no impurities. The resulting blades have good flexibility and strength, and there are no material defects or risks. However, since the aluminum bending process requires operators to manually bend the blades using a folding machine based on fixed parameters, production efficiency is low, and mass production is the main disadvantage that results in higher costs.
The aluminum extrusion method produces the fan blades by using raw materials such as aluminum liquid or ingots, which are melted in an electric furnace and then extruded through an extruder into a mold to obtain the required cross-sectional shape, size, and mechanical properties. This production process can improve the organization of aluminum and enhance its mechanical properties. The precision of the dimensions and the quality of the surface are high. Additionally, other substances can be added to the silver liquid to make the surface of the fan blades look more attractive and even improve the adhesion of the surface when coloring. With the aluminum extrusion process, different shapes, specifications, and varieties of fan blades can be produced conveniently by changing the extrusion molds. Changing the extrusion mold is easy, quick, and efficient, resulting in low production costs. However, the disadvantage of the aluminum extrusion method is the risk of material defects. Airborne dust, dust generated by heating furnaces, metal shavings, oil stains, and moisture condensation can form particles on the surface of the fan blades. If the extrusion speed is too fast, the temperature is too high, or the extrusion speed fluctuates too much during production, the fan blades are prone to cyclic cracking risks.
In summary, there are two methods of producing industrial ceiling fan blades: aluminum plate bending and aluminum extrusion. The advantage of the aluminum plate bending method is that the material is pure without any risks (under the premise of ensuring the purity of the aluminum plate), but the production cost is higher. Therefore, this type of fan is slightly more expensive than regular fans. The advantage of the aluminum extrusion fan blade is that the production cost is lower, and the fan blades can have different colors. However, it has a high requirement for the production process, which easily leads to non-standard fan blade quality. Thus, when choosing such products, it is necessary to carefully consider the production process and strength of the industrial ceiling fan manufacturer to avoid risks.