1. Provide adequate ventilation: Ensure that the factory has proper ventilation to allow air to circulate. This can be achieved by opening windows or installing fans or air conditioning systems.
2. Provide shade: If the factory is exposed to direct sunlight, provide shade by installing awnings or using shading devices.
3. Provide cool drinking water: Ensure that cool drinking water is readily available to workers to prevent dehydration.
4. Implement a heat stress management program: Develop a heat stress management program that includes regular breaks, hydration, and training on the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses.
5. Modify work schedules: Adjust work schedules to avoid working during the hottest parts of the day.
6. Provide personal protective equipment: Provide workers with personal protective equipment such as hats, sunscreen, and lightweight clothing to protect them from the sun.
7. Monitor workers' health: Monitor workers' health regularly to identify any signs of heat-related illnesses and provide immediate medical attention if necessary.